
Profiles Kathleen Provides:

We offer management consultant services to a diverse range of clients in various industries. Some of our important practice areas are listed below.

1001 Profile

orientation profile

Find out who your angels are, and how they can help you with the stress and pressure of today's world. Learn about your four ways of spiritual perception, what is your main way for more successful decision making, and how you use your spiritual energy to back yourself this lifetime.

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Blockage Discovery

Blockage Profile

Find out the spiritual blockage area that is holding you back the most at the current time. It is usually a "Mis- Learning" that you learned in your first 7 years that continually affects you and hinders your path to your success. Knowledge is power! Assists in releasing the past, and moving forward.

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Where did your angels live and what did they do when on planet earth? How can this information help you? Learn about your life purpose, your spiritual thrust and how your spiritual team help you toward your goals. Also, receive a special goal setting "project board" that will clarify how each angel assists you on your spiritual journey.

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Percent of Balance in Glandular System


Become aware of the flow of spiritual energy in your physical body and how your thoughts and feelings affect this flow and cause "dis-a-ease"

and spiritual technique that you can do to open up the channel for improved function. Spiritual flow affects not just our physical body but our soul part, our loved ones, and our environment. Opening ourselves for positive spiritual flow is a desired result.

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